Vern J Peterman
Vern was raised in his earlier years at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, California, Vern became a believer at 4 and a half years. Vern grew up partly in the suburbs and partly on a small family farm.

In 1970 he met Nancy Martin at a Bible study, and they were married in 1973 (after they got over not liking each other). Vern and Nancy have always been involved in (and often Vern led) home Bible studies with adults and youth groups. Vern and Nancy have three grown children.

Interspersed between a few attempts to go to the mission field in Latin America, Vern has been mostly a civil engineer, but also a mechanical engineer, marketing manager, financial manager, construction worker, and high school teacher.

After four years of part time and full time work on a program at Tyndale Seminary (D.Min.), Vern has been an under shepherd at Holly Hills Bible Church since August 2001.